Pennard Primary School
Bae Tri Football Club
Football club takes place every Wednesday between 3.20pm and 4.15pm. It is open to boys, girls and those of all abilities in years 4, 5 and 6.
Your child will need to wear their P.E kit to take part in the club. We strongly recommend that the children wear football boots and shin pads.
If you have any questions then please speak to Mr Price.
Bae Tri Rugby Club
Rugby club takes place every Tuesday between 3.20pm and 4.15pm. It is open to boys, girls and those of all abilities in years 4, 5 and 6.
Your child will need to wear their P.E kit to take part in the club. Your child will need to wear a gum shield to take part in this club. Also, we strongly recommend that the children wear football/rugby boots.
If you have any questions then please speak to Mr Price.
Bae Tri Netball Club
Netball club takes place every Monday between 3.20pm and 4pm. It is open to boys, girls and those of all abilities in years 5 and 6 only.
Your child will need to wear their P.E kit to take part in the club.
Thank you to our fantastic family member volunteers who run this club for us. If you have any questions then please speak to Mrs Burgess.
Bae Tri Coding Club
Coding club takes place after school every Wednesday from 3.20pm until 4 pm. It is open to all children in Bae 3.
If you have any questions, speak to Mrs. Dardecker.
Bae Tri Chess Club
Chess club is run by Mr. Price and it will take place at lunchtime. He will notify us of the day.