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Pennard Primary School

Aims & Values

Our Vision : We enable a happy, nurturing, inclusive learning environment that supports, challenges, and inspires every child to thrive.  
Our Aims

Our aims reflect our beliefs and values and represent our vision and what we want to achieve as a school community, to   

‘Dream, Believe, Achieve Together –
Breuddwydio, Credu, Cyflawni Gyda’n gilydd’

As a Rights Respecting School, we will work in partnership with everyone in our school community to be actively involved in our children's lives and learning. We aim to:

  1. Place the four purposes at the heart of our inquiry-based curriculum where purposeful and authentic learning experiences prepare children for the challenges of our rapidly changing world.
  2. Create a safe, happy, and caring learning environment that enables creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking and collaborative learning and nurtures pupils' individuality, strengths, and talents supporting them towards achieving their aspirations.
  3. Set high expectations providing a solid foundation in literacy, numeracy, digital competence, and transferable skills enabling pupils to become enthusiastic, imaginative, and creative independent learners who have positive attitudes to learning.
  4. Nurture our children to be happy, honest, and respectful young people who care for others and make a positive difference in the world.
  5. Create a culture where everyone is listened to and valued; involve our pupils in the learning process by valuing pupil's voice and empowering them to make decisions about school life and beyond.
  6. Ensure the safety of every child and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle for all.
  7. Provide an inclusive ethos where every person is valued and respected regardless of gender, identity, race, religion or belief, ability, and disability. 
  8. Foster pupils' cultural identity through an awareness of the heritage and history of Wales and the Welsh language, alongside developing a respect and understanding of other cultures as informed global citizens.  

Our aims are translated into priorities to move the school forward and meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Our Values 

As a school, we encourage children to think about personal and social values, to become aware of and involved in the life and concerns of their community and society, thus developing their capacity to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society and effective citizens of Wales and the World.  At Pennard Primary we have a core set of values:

  • RESPECT - Self-respect, and respect for others. We promote inclusion and appreciate and value the diversity of people’s circumstances and backgrounds.
  • RESPONSIBILITY – To take responsibility for the way we lead our lives; how we use our talents, rights and opportunities.
  • EMPATHY - We value empathy as fundamental to the development of healthy relationships. Through which we show compassion, kindness, and friendship. 
  • PERSEVERANCE – Have a ‘can do’ attitude and aspire to achieve goals.