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Pennard Primary School

Sports Week 12th - 16th June 2023

We are looking forward to holding our annual week of sporting events which will begin on Monday 12th June. All pupils will be taking part and have an opportunity to raise funds for Friends of Pennard Primary.  Last year was a great success and provided the pupils with a wide range of sporting experiences. We are asking for your support with this organisation again and would be grateful if families could support the children by sponsoring their efforts for the week. Together you raised a large amount of money which was spent on new netball posts, soft balls, small football and rugby balls, bean bags, a crash mat and bibs. We have also been revising our PE curriculum and continue to develop equipment to support the progression of PE across the school.

We invite you to join us on Thursday 15th June for a few traditional sports day races.  We are also planning on holding a parents and teachers football match, more information about this to follow!


Monday 12th

Tuesday 13th

Wednesday 14th

Thursday 15th

Friday 16th

Bae Un

(Nursery & Reception)



Assault course


Parachute games



Nursery -am

Reception -am


Classic sports day



Nursery – 1k walk school grounds

Reception – Beach

Bae Dau

(Y 1-3)



Cross Country in the park


Assault course


Swimming - pm



Classic sports day





Bae Tri

(Y 4-6)






Pupil Football






Parent Netball tournament

Cross Country in the park



Pupil Cricket Tournament

Classic sports day



Parent Football  tournament






Children can come ready for sport throughout the week – T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a sweatshirt.

For our classic sports day, children will be in colour teams. Class teachers will send home team colours soon. If your child has that colour T-shirt please could they wear it on the Thursday. Please don’t worry if they do not we just want the children to join in and have fun.

Triathlon – Your child will need a swimming kit, and a bicycle and helmet ( if they have one)

Swimming - Please ensure your child has their swimming kit for the day they will be using the pool.

Beach days – Your class teacher will give more information on this

Your child will be coming home with a paper copy of the sponsorship form after half term – but please also find one attached here.

Please return the  form and any money in a sealed envelope by Friday 9th June. We will set up a Schoolgateway payment option also if you would like to pay directly – we will open this after half-term.

Thank you all!  

Ms Hanson and Staff