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Pennard Primary School

Reception Home Learning


smileyCounting and Remembered Facts 

Try to practice a few of these each day.

smileyPractise Numbers to 10

Practise counting and ordering numbers to 10 and writing numbers to 10 using the correct formation.

smileyNumber Facts to 5

Learn all Number Facts to 5.

smiley Money

Practice your coin recognition - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p. Collect some coins and play shop. Can you choose the correct coin to pay for your items. You can also practice adding 1p coins with the activities below. 

smiley Problem Solving 

Use you addition and subtraction skills to solve the word problems. 


Can you estimate the amount and then check by counting? 


smileyRed Words (Tricky words)

Practise reading your tricky words everyday. Aim for independent reading of up to and including purple level words by the end of Reception. 

smiley Reading Comprehension

smileyLetter Formation 

Practice correct letter formation.

smileyName Writing 

Practise writing own name using our school handwriting formation guidance and starting all lower case letters using 'Up the Hill'.

smileyLearning Letter Sounds / Word Recognition

We use Read Write Inc to support our teaching of reading and writing. It all starts with learning letter sounds and key words

- you can find some useful videos here to help.  

smiley Punctuation 

Re-write the sentences adding in the capital letters and full stops.